Funniest Dog And Cat Videos – Best Funny Animals Videos 2023
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Today we have a new Cute and Funny Animal Video for you and your friends! The video will put you in a good mood for the whole day!
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I was watching with my mom
I feel bad for him
Don’t for get 12:19
@@gabbyisam8966I don’t, he’s sitting with an erection and getting his poor dog to play fetch the other side of his groin, serves him right for being a pervert
2:07 Istg I was really waiting for the cameraman to start meowing

Cat: you ready to be shipped
Other cat: yes!
Cat: *puts the cat into the box*
12:52 lollll

7:19 HIS FACE!!!

Lmao “I don’t like it”
8:12, when that one seagull was pushed off, the other Two Laughed.
Nothing is going to happen to Buster and he knows it.
1:10 “You told me to catch mice, isn’t this a mouse??”
Finally a comment that makes sense <_<
10:45 OMG

2:30 best guard dog
4:08 famous last words~Æ-
He’s got a hardon
Bahaahhahahahahahahaha so funny
@@Rad-Storie tyy
3:41 this Goat is sus and the Husky

8:32 Parcour

3:56 the cow part is the best
she is like a young lady
8:55 the girl screaming with the parrot. Meanwhile the cameraman and the bird just chillin
2:08 tho lolllł
8:12 they started laughing after

2:12 who’s that new guy?
0:36 LMAO
0:35 Buster just wants to do jumps lol
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